Saturday, March 28, 2009

How to cut a pineapple

Courtesy of Alan

Choosing a ripe pineapple is not hard. First check for fresh, green leaves and plumpness. Smell the base for a sweet, pineapple smell. Check for soft or moldy spots that are signs of bad fruit.

Lay the pineapple on its side and slice off both the crown and the stem. Some people like to twist the crown off with their bare hands and growl, but it's purely a matter of preference.

Next, stand the pineapple up on end and carefully slice off the skin, from top to bottom, leaving as much flesh as possible. Don't worry about the little eye spots; we take care of those next.

If you observe the eye spots, you'll see that they form diagonal lines around the pineapple. Cut a v-shaped groove along each diagonal line to remove the eye spots.

At this point, everything left is edible. If you want pineapple circles, cut the fruit in disks and then core each disk.

Munch on the core as you cook-- it's tough but many people like the mild flavor. If you want pineapple cubes or wedges, instead cut the pineapple into quarters lengthwise, core each quarter, and work from there.

Pineapple is low in fat, contains no cholesterol and is brimming with Vitamin C and other trace minerals

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